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Bathing and Toileting Safety Tips for Seniors


With poor balance, vision, and mobility, our elderly relatives are at risk of falling. And the bathroom is the most unsafe room in the house.

According to the CDC, one in four people over 65 falls each year, and 80 percent of those falls occur in the restroom.

At Goodwill Healthcare, Inc., a home care provider in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, we have these five simple tips to keep a patient safe while showering and using the restroom:

  • Don’t hurry.
    Remember to take it slow and not to rush patients. With a single wrong move, rushing may lead to harm.
  • Ensure a well-lit surrounding.
    Having well-lit places can reduce the risk of falling. Inspect the lighting and replace burned-out bulbs so that those with poor eyesight can see their path well.
  • Establish a routine and a daily reminder.
    For patients with memory loss, it is vital to remind them of simple things like bathing, dressing, grabbing the handle bars, and having a toilet break on a regular basis to reduce the number of sudden emergency trips to the bathroom.
  • Keep the area to the bathroom clear.
    Take away any obstructions that make it tough to get about. In addition, strive to keep toilet essentials close at hand to prevent patients from strolling while their body is wet.
  • When safety is uncertain, consider other options.
    There are other tools like bedside commodes or urinals that can be taken advantage of in place of going to the bathroom. Using adult diapers or briefs can also be helpful.

If your loved one requires caregiving assistance, they may benefit from our personal care assistance in Pennsylvania.

Our range of services includes home maker services, which will allow homes to remain in harmony while we provide care.

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